Manual API example
- |
should work as promised
- |
when a watched node is deleted
- |
should not error
- |
when pushing SMTP servers
- |
when pushing node with alarm configuration
- |
when pushing webserver with protected call
- |
when pushing archives with partition interval and file limit
- |
when pushing aggregate templates and functions
- |
when pushing custom alarm category
- |
when pushing custom user groups
- |
when pushing serverscripts in redundant project
- |
when pushing resources with compress properties
- |
Issue #239 (
- |
Should not add empty newlines after pull and push
- |
Issue #253 (
- |
Umlauts should be mapped correctly after pull and push
- |
Issue #265 (
- |
should not create duplicate entries in rename.json
- |
Issue #290 (
- |
User group references should be mapped correctly
- |
Issue #319 (
- |
Mapping relative node parameters
- |
Issue #330 (
- |
when pulling XML with > in attribute value
- |
should not error
- |
when attribute is renamed
- |
should not error
- |
Issue #345 (
- |
pull should not error on empty script
- |
Issue #354 (
- |
Object type modelling rules
- |
- |
should keep element order
- |
- |
a display containing a folder
- |
a display containing a display with the same name
- |
a variable array
- |
a 64bit variable value
- |
a node with a historical configuration
- |
InitTask |
test/integration/tasks/init.spec.js |
- |
pull task
- |
with the --clean flag
- |
should empty the source directory first
- |
- |
should export description for all tasks
- |
should register cleanupHandler
- |
ProjectConfig |
test/src/config/ProjectConfig.spec.js |
- |
- |
should return true for ids not included in .nodes
- |
should return true for ignored ids
- |
should return false for included nodes
- |
atscm module
- |
should export Atviseproject class
Atviseproject |
should export NodeId class
NodeId |
should export Transformer class
Transformer |
should export TransformDirection enum
TransformDirection |
should export PartialTransformer class
PartialTransformer |
should export SplittingTransformer class
SplittingTransformer |
should export DisplayTransformer class
DisplayTransformer |
should export ScriptTransformer class
ScriptTransformer |
InitTask |
InitTask.filesToHandle |
should return array of absolute paths
- |
| |
should handle all general files
- |
should not escape author field in package.json (#52)
- |
test/src/init/InitTask.spec.js |
- |
InitOptions |
should contain InitOptions stored against names
- |
InitOptions.atviseUser |
should only be asked if using login
- |
InitOptions.atvisePassword |
should only be asked if using login
- |
InitOptionsAsArray |
should contain all InitOptions
- |
InitOptionsValidator |
| |
should fail for empty names
- |
should fail with capital letters
- |
should fail with non-url-safe characters
- |
should fail with names starting with . or _
- |
should fail with leading or trailing spaces
- |
should fail with core nodejs module name
- |
should fail with blacklisted name
- |
should fail with 'atscm'
- |
should fail with names longer than 214 characters
- |
should work for valid package names
- |
should work for scoped package names
- |
Atviseproject |
should contain NodeIds
- |
Atviseproject.login |
should default to false
- |
Atviseproject.nodes |
Atviseproject.nodesToWatch |
Atviseproject.EditorRelatedNodes |
Atviseproject.ServerRelatedNodes |
Atviseproject.EditorRelatedNodes |
should contain Atviseproject.EditorRelatedNodes
- |
should contain Atviseproject.ServerRelatedNodes
- |
Atviseproject.inspect |
should return the properties to print
- |
ImportStream |
ImportStream#methodId |
should return importNodes method id
- |
ImportStream#inputArguments |
should contain global scope argument
- |
should contain file contents
- |
ImportStream#processErrorMessage |
should prefix file path
- |
should print path relative to project directory
- |
ImportStream#handleOutputArguments |
should error if import failed
- |
should error without status
- |
should not error if import succeeded
- |
ImportStream#processChunk |
should create new nodes on success
- |
PullStream |
PullStream#constructor |
should return a stream
- |
should apply transformers from db
- |
PushStream |
PushStream#constructor |
should return a stream
- |
should work without log listeners
- |
reverse |
should return an object with keys and values switched
- |
delay |
should resolve after duration
- |
promisified |
should be fulfilled when async function calls callback
- |
should be rejected when async function fails
- |
InitOption |
should throw when run without arguments
- |
InitOption#constructor |
when run with string, string
- |
should throw error for empty message
- |
should work with message only
- |
should set default type
- |
should add ? to message
- |
should store default if given
- |
when run with object
- |
should throw error for missing message
- |
should throw error for empty message
- |
should add ? to message
- |
should set default type
- |
should store type, message, default and validate
- |
NodeId |
NodeId#constructor |
when called with value only
- |
should work
- |
should set namespace to 1
- |
should set indentifierType to string if string is passed
- |
should set indentifierType to number if number is passed
- |
when called with a nodeid string
- |
should work
- |
should get namespace from string
- |
should get identifierType from string
- |
when called with type, value, namespace
- |
should work
- |
should set namespace to 1 if omitted
- |
should extend node-opcua's NodeId
- |
NodeId#fromFilePath |
should return a NodeId
- |
should return file path again
- |
should work with resource paths
- |
should work with multi extension resource paths
- |
should unescape slashes
- |
NodeId#filePath |
should return a valid file path
- |
should handle resource paths
- |
should escape slashes
- |
_lastSeparator |
should return null for non-string node ids
- |
should return / for resource paths
- |
should return . for regular node ids
- |
NodeId#parent |
should return null for non-string node ids
- |
should inherit identifier type
- |
should inherit namespace
- |
should return parent nodes for dot separated node ids
- |
should return parent nodes for slash separated node ids
- |
NodeId#isChildOf |
should return false for non-string ids
- |
should return false for different namespaces
- |
should return false for same nodes values
- |
should return false for similar node values
- |
should return true for real parents
- |
should return true for parent resource nodes
- |
should return true for resource child nodes
- |
NodeId#browseName |
should return null for non-string node ids
- |
should return the last node path component
- |
should return the last resource path component
- |
NodeId#inspect |
should return "namespace value"
- |
should style string id as string
- |
should style numeric id as number
- |
- |
should export values for all node-opcua~ReferenceTypeIds
- |
regex helpers
- |
- |
should escape special characters
- |
AddReferencesStream |
AddReferencesStream#scriptId |
should return the AddReferences script's id
- |
AddReferencesStream#scriptParameters |
should return null without references
- |
should return null witout additional references
- |
should return JSON string for additional references
- |
AddReferencesStream#processErrorMessage |
should decorate the error message
- |
AddReferencesStream#handleOutputArguments |
should error with bad status codes
- |
should retry when script had failures
- |
should continue without failures
- |
AtviseFile |
AtviseFile#constructor |
should create a vinyl instance
- |
AtviseFile.pathForReadResult |
should store non-variables as .{nodeClass}.json
- |
test/src/lib/server/AtviseFile.spec.js |
- |
should store custom typed variables with a ".var" extension
- |
AtviseFile.encodeValue |
should return empty buffer for null
- |
should store timestamp as string for DateTime values
- |
should store JSON encoded bytes for UInt64 values
- |
should use trimmed string value if no special encoder is used
- |
should convert typed array
- |
with an array passed
- |
should JSON encode standard values
- |
should JSON encode special encoded values
- |
should JSON encode null values
- |
AtviseFile.decodeValue |
should forward null
- |
test/src/lib/server/AtviseFile.spec.js |
- |
should forward binary buffer for ByteString
- |
should throw if an array variable's value is scalar
- |
with an array passed
- |
should JSON decode standard values
- |
should JSON decode special encoded values
- |
should JSON decode null values
- |
AtviseFile.normalizeMtime |
should return original without milliseconds
- |
should remove milliseconds if provided
- |
AtviseFile.fromReadResult |
should fail for variable without value
- |
should return a new instance with valid readResult
- |
should use undefined as mtime if not provided
- |
should store JSON-encoded references if not a variable-node
- |
should sort references in JSON file
- |
AtviseFile#_getMetadata |
test/src/lib/server/AtviseFile.spec.js |
- |
should use dirname extensions if filename has no extensions
- |
should not get tripped up by multiple dots in dirname if filename has no extensions
- |
should parse contents for non-variable nodes
- |
should call _getMetadata if not present
- |
should return stored value if present
- |
AtviseFile#dataType |
AtviseFile#dataType |
AtviseFile#arrayType |
AtviseFile#typeDefinition |
should call _getMetadata if not present
- |
should return stored value if present
- |
should default to ns=0;i=0 for non-variable nodes
- |
AtviseFile#isDisplay |
should return true for AtviseFiles with correct TypeDefinition
- |
AtviseFile#isScript |
should return true for AtviseFiles with correct TypeDefinition
- |
AtviseFile#isQuickDynamic |
should return true for AtviseFiles with correct TypeDefinition
- |
AtivseFile#value |
when used as getter
- |
should return decodedValue
- |
when used as setter
- |
should set encoded value as contents
- |
AtivseFile#createNodeValue |
should return #value for non-datetime nodes
- |
should return timestamp for datetime nodes
- |
AtviseFile#nodeId |
should return id for directory with non-variable file
- |
should keep extensions for resources
- |
should remove extension for non-atvise types
- |
AtviseFile#clone |
should return a file again
- |
should return file with the same array type
- |
| |
should fail without path
- |
should forward read errors
- |
should return AtviseFile if read succeeds
- |
CreateNodeStream |
CreateNodeStream#scriptId |
should return the atscm CreateNode script
- |
CreateNodeStream#scriptParameters |
CreateNodeStream#processErrorMessage |
should tell which node failed to create
- |
CreateNodeStream#handleOutputArguments |
should forward script errors
- |
should warn if creating the node failed
- |
should log if a node was created
- |
test/src/lib/server/CreateNodeStream.spec.js |
- |
NodeStream#constructor |
should fail without nodesToBrowse
- |
should throw with invalid ignoreNodes
- |
should store "recursive" option
- |
should create ignoredRexExp
- |
should warn on ignored nodes
- |
should error without nodes to browse
- |
- |
should forward read errors
- |
should error on bad status code
- |
should write read results
- |
should call #end on drained
- |
NodeStream#processErrorMessage |
should decorate error message
- |
NodeStream#processChunk |
should forward browse errors
- |
should emit error without results
- |
should emit error with empty results
- |
should emit error with empty results after initial write
- |
should not push parent nodes
- |
should not push ignored nodes
- |
should push nodes to browse
- |
should browse discovered nodes
- |
should push discovered object nodes
- |
should push discovered variable nodes
- |
should write discovered nodes if recursive
- |
QueueStream |
QueueStream#constructor |
should work without options
- |
should store maxParallel option
- |
should store start date
- |
should listen for processed-chunk events
- |
QueueStream#hasPending |
should return true if there are queued operations
- |
should return true if there are running operations
- |
should return false otherwise
- |
QueueStream#queueEmpty |
should return true if not operations are queued
- |
should return false if there are queued operations
- |
QueueStream#processed |
should return the number of processed items
- |
QueueStream#opsPerSecond |
should return 0 right after creating the stream
- |
should return the number of processed items after one second
- |
QueueStream#processErrorMessage |
should throw if not overridden
- |
QueueStream#processChunk |
should throw if not overridden
- |
QueueStream#_processChunk |
should increase #_processing
- |
should emit processed-chunk event
- |
should emit errors
- |
should emit error on invalid status
- |
QueueStream#_enqueueChunk |
should call _processChunk if allowed
- |
should add chunk to queue if maxParallel is reached
- |
QueueStream#_transform |
should wait for session to open
- |
should enqueue item once session is open
- |
QueueStream#_flush |
should wait for queue to drain
- |
should flush instantly if queue is empty
- |
when chunk has been processed
- |
and queue is empty
- |
should emit drained if not processing any items
- |
should not emit drained if processing an items
- |
and queue is not empty
- |
should call _processChunk with queued chunk
- |
Session |
Session.create |
should create a new ClientSession
- |
should store newly created session
- |
should fail with invalid credentials
- |
should forward Client.create errors
- |
should forward non-login errors
- |
Session.close |
should fail without session
- |
should return if session is already closed
- |
should wait for session to close if already closing
- |
should do nothing if client is not connected
- |
should ignore errors closing session
- |
should ignore errors disconnecting client
- |
Session.closeOpen |
should return if no sessions are open
- |
should close open sessions
- |
should wait for opening sessions to open before closing
- |
Stream |
Stream#constructor |
should return a stream
- |
should emit "session-open" once session is open
- |
should forward session connect errors
- |
should close session on end
- |
should be endable even if session was not opened yet
- |
should forward errors occurring while closing session
- |
WaitingStream |
WaitingStream#constructor |
should return a QueueStream, mixed with waitForDependencies
- |
WaitingStream#dependenciesFor |
should throw if not overridden
- |
WaitingStream#_enqueueChunk |
when a dependency-free file is pushed
- |
should just call super
- |
when a file with dependencies is pushed
- |
should not call super
- |
should add it to the dependencies map
- |
should ignore system types
- |
should ignore atserver types
- |
should ignore already processed nodes
- |
should process files once dependencies are finished
- |
WaitingStream#_flush |
without pending operations
- |
should call super
- |
with pending operations
- |
should try to process dependents
- |
SubscribeStream#constructor |
should apply keepSessionAlive option
- |
should not track changes instantly
- |
once session is opened
- |
should create subscription once session is opened
- |
SubscribeStream#createSubscription |
should forward errors while creating subscription
- |
should emit subscription-started
- |
should set subscription property
- |
SubscribeStream#processErrorMessage |
should contain node id
- |
SubscribeStream#processChunk |
should call ClientSubscription#monitor
- |
should forward MonitoredItem errors
- |
should forward MonitoredItem errors when given as string
- |
should forward change events
- |
should emit delete events without a value
- |
SubscribeStream#_transform |
should skip non-variable nodes
- |
should call enqueue immediately if subscription started
- |
should wait for subscription to start before calling enqueue
- |
Watcher#constructor |
should work without arguments
- |
should emit ready event once subscribe stream finished
- |
Watcher#close |
should forward errors
- |
WriteStream |
WriteStream#processErrorMessage |
should include nodeId
- |
WriteStream#processChunk |
should forward errors
- |
should forward synchronous errors
- |
should warn if access is denied
- |
should push non-variable files
- |
should push files where no node can be found
- |
should push files with good status to add references stream
- |
CallMethodStream |
CallMethodStream#methodId |
throws an error if not overridden
- |
CallMethodStream#methodBaseId |
defaults to the method's parent id
- |
CallMethodStream#inputArguments |
defaults to an empty array
- |
CallMethodStream#callRequest |
uses #methodId, #baseMethodId and #inputArguments
- |
CallMethodStream#handleOutputArguments |
throws if not overridden
- |
CallMethodStream#processErrorMessage |
processed message
- |
should include methodId
- |
should include relative file path
- |
CallMethodStream#processChunk |
should handle synchronous errors
- |
should handle asynchronous errors
- |
should report bad status codes
- |
should report non-unsuccessful operations
- |
CallScriptStream |
CallScriptStream#methodId |
should return the callScript method's id
- |
CallScriptStream#scriptId |
should throw if not overridden
- |
CallScriptStream#scriptParameters |
should return an empty object if not overridden
- |
CallScriptStream#inputArguments |
should return an array of node-opcua~Variants
- |
should return names and values from #scriptParameters
- |
CallScriptStream#processErrorMessage |
should include the file's name
- |
should include the called script's id
- |
CallScriptStream#processChunk |
should process as usual if not called on atscm script
- |
should suggest running 'atscm import' if atscm script is missing
- |
PartialTransformer |
PartialTransformer#shouldBeTransformed |
should throw if not overridden
- |
should pass original file if shouldBeTransformed returns false
- |
should call super if shouldBeTransformed returns true
- |
when #applyToFilteredStream is not overridden
- |
should invoke #transformFromDB / #transformFromFilesystem
- |
when #applyToFilteredStream is overridden
- |
should invoke #applyToFilteredStream
- |
should return false by default
- |
CombineFilesCache#missingExtensions |
should return extensions if required files are missing
- |
should return empty array if all required files are cached
- |
SplittingTransformer |
SplittingTransformer#transformFromFilesystem |
should return a file
- |
should apply the new extension
- |
should return a file
- |
should apply the new extension
- |
should just callback if no files are missing
- |
should push additional files if some are missing
- |
should forward read errors
- |
Transformer |
Transformer#constructor |
should throw with invalid direction
- |
should store direction
- |
Transformer#withDirection |
should throw without direction
- |
should throw with invalid direction
- |
should return self with direction set
- |
should fail without direction
- |
should call transformFromDB with direction FromDB
- |
should call transformFromFilesystem with direction FromFilesystem
- |
should skip reference config files
- |
Transformer#transformFromDB |
should fail if not overridden
- |
Transformer#transformFromFilesystem |
should fail if not overridden
- |
should throw on invalid direction
- |
should return directed transformer if only one is passed
- |
should return last transformer piped to previous
- |
should reverse transformers if called with "FromFilesystem"
- |
should work with empty array as argument
- |
should return constructor name if depth is less than zero
- |
should return options if depth is positive
- |
should return options if depth is null
- |
XMLTransformer |
XMLTransformer#constructor |
should return a SplittingTransformer
- |
should create a _fromDBBuilder
- |
should create a _fromFilesystemBuilder
- |
XMLTransformer#builder |
should return the #_fromDBBuilder if direction is FromDB
- |
should return the #_fromDBBuilder if direction is FromFilesystem
- |
should enforce tag order
- |
should forward errors
- |
should return object for valid xml
- |
should forward errors
- |
when direction is FromDB
- |
should indent with double space
- |
when direction is FromFilesytem
- |
should indent with single space
- |
should support CDATA
- |
should escape '&' in attribute values
- |
should escape '<' in attribute values
- |
importTask |
pull |
should return a promise
- |
push |
should return a promise
- |
WatchTask |
WatchTask#constructor |
should create a new browser-sync instance
- |
WatchTask#_waitForWatcher |
should be rejected on error
- |
should be fulfilled on ready
- |
WatchTask#startFileWatcher |
should fail if directory does not exist
- |
should fail if fs#stat fails
- |
should call #_waitForWatcher
- |
WatchTask#startServerWatcher |
should call #_waitForWatcher
- |
WatchTask#initBrowserSync |
should call BrowserSync#init
- |
WatchTask#handleFileChange |
should not do anything while pulling
- |
WatchTask#handleServerChange |
should do nothing while pushing
- |
WatchTask#run |
should fail if file watcher errors
- |
should fail if server watcher errors
- |
should init browser sync
- |
watch |
should export a function
- |
should resolve once watchers are ready
- |
should export a description
- |
DisplayTransformer#shouldBeTransformed |
should return false for non-display files
- |
DisplayTransformer#transformFromDB |
should forward parse errors
- |
should error with invalid xml
- |
should store empty config for empty display
- |
should store dependencies in config when referenced as "src"
- |
should store dependencies in config when referenced as "xlink:href"
- |
should store multiple dependencies in config
- |
when display contains inline script
- |
should be stored when given with attributes
- |
should be stored when given without attributes
- |
should store empty inline scripts in separate file
- |
when display contains metadata tag
- |
should work without actual metadata
- |
should work without parameters
- |
should store parameters
- |
when encoding fails
- |
should forward encode error
- |
DisplayTransformer#createCombinedFile |
should fail with invalid config file
- |
should fail without SVG file
- |
should fail with invalid SVG
- |
should fail without svg tag
- |
should work with empty svg tag
- |
should inline script
- |
should link dependencies
- |
should work without empty parameters config
- |
should reuse existant metadata section
- |
should create metadata section if omitted
- |
should keep parameters specified in SVG
- |
should insert parameters before other atv tags
- |
should insert parameters in the correct order
- |
when encoding fails
- |
should forward encode error
- |
MappingTransformer#transformFromDB |
when AtviseFile.fromReadResult returns error
- |
should not forward errors
- |
should log warning
- |
when AtviseFile.fromReadResult returns "no value" error
- |
should only debug log
- |
should return an AtviseFile for the given ReadResult
- |
when file has non-standard type-definition
- |
should push a reference config file
- |
should sort references
- |
MappingTransformer#transformFromFilesystem |
should write AtviseFiles for read Files
- |
should keep base
- |
should skip directories
- |
should skip non-atscm dot files
- |
when file has non-standard type-definition
- |
with reference config file
- |
should read reference config file
- |
when reference config file is missing
- |
should forward error
- |
when .rc file cannot be parsed
- |
should forward error
- |
should be able to map all types
- |
test/src/transform/Mapping.spec.js |
- |
should map scalar values
- |
should map array values
- |
should map matrix values
- |
when a resource property is mapped
- |
should wrap nodes in .inner folder
- |
should unwrap properties .inner folder
- |
MappingTransformer#constructor |
trailingNewlines option
- |
should default to false
- |
NewlinesTransformer#shouldBeTransformed |
should return true for reference files
- |
should return true for source files
- |
should return false for binary files
- |
NewlinesTransformer#transformFromDB |
should replace non-native newlines
- |
should add trailing newlines if set
- |
NewlinesTransformer#transformFromFilesystem |
should replace native newlines
- |
should remove trailing newlines if set
- |
should remove only one trailing newline if set
- |
ScriptTransformer#shouldBeTransformed |
should return true for ScriptCode type nodes
- |
should return true for QuickDynamic type nodes
- |
ScriptTransformer#transformFromDB |
should forward parse errors
- |
should warn with invalid xml
- |
should write empty config file for empty Script
- |
should write empty .js file for empty Script
- |
should only store metadata elements
- |
should store custom metadata elements
- |
should store array of custom metadata elements if needed
- |
should store icon metadata
- |
should store empty icon metadata
- |
should store visible metadata
- |
should properly interpret visible metadata
- |
should store title metadata
- |
should store description metadata
- |
should store parameters
- |
should store relative parameter without target
- |
should store relative parameter with target
- |
should store relative parameter target with invalid namespace
- |
should store code
- |
ScriptTransformer#createCombinedFile |
should forward config parse errors
- |
when called on a quick dynamic
- |
should store empty metadata
- |
should insert icon metadata
- |
should insert visible metadata
- |
should insert title metadata
- |
should insert description metadata
- |
when called on a script
- |
should ignore quickdynamic metadata
- |
should insert parameters
- |
should insert relative parameter without target
- |
should insert relative parameter with target
- |
should insert custom metadata
- |
should insert custom metadata array
- |
should insert script code
- |
when encoding fails
- |
should forward encode errors
- |
cleanup |
should call uninstall
- |
when receiving SIGINT
- |
should log "Ctrl-C"
- |
with open sessions
- |
should return false
- |
should call process.kill
- |
should forward Session.closeOpen errors
- |
without open sessions
- |
should return true
- |
getStat |
should be fulfilled with valid path
- |
should be rejected with invalid path
- |
validateDirectoryExists |
should be rejected with invalid path
- |
shoud be rejected with non-directory path
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should be fulfilled with directory path
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