summary | ||
public |
F addReferences(nodeId: NodeId, references: Object): Promise Adds references to a node. |
public |
F callMethod(methodId: NodeId, args: Array<node-opcua~Variant>): * Calls an OPC-UA method on the server. |
public |
F callScript(scriptId: NodeId, parameters: Object): * Calls a server script on the server. |
public |
F createNode(nodeId: NodeId, options: Object): * Creates a new Node on the server. |
public |
Reads a single node's value. |
public |
F writeNode(nodeId: NodeId, value: node-opcua~Variant): Promise<node-opcua~StatusCodes Writes a single node's value. |
summary | ||
public |
The current project's configuration, with overrides (through |
public |
The path to the project's configuration file. |
summary | ||
public |
F async approveToContinue(undefined: HookContext, error: Error): Promise |
public |
F async askForConfirmation(undefined: undefined): Promise |
public |
F async checkAtserver(context: HookContext): Promise |
public |
F async loadProjectRequirement(): Promise |
public |
F async loadRemoteVersion(): Promise |
public |
F async checkServerscripts(undefined: HookContext): Promise |
public |
F setupContext(undefined: Partial): HookContext |
summary | ||
public |
C InitTask The action run when running "atscm init". |
public |
A static class containing validators for the options used when running "atscm init". |
public |
V ConfigLangs: Map<String, String> A map providing dirnames for config langs |
public |
Options available for the "atscm init" command. |
public |
InitOptions, exported as an array. |
summary | ||
public |
F decodeVariant(buffer: Buffer, options: Object): * Returns a node-opcua~Variant from a Buffer with the given dataType and arrayType. |
public |
F encodeVariant(variant: node-opcua~Variant): Buffer Returns a buffer containing a node-opcua~Variants encoded value. |
public |
F escapeForRegExp(source: string): * Returns a string with all special regular expression characters escaped. |
public |
V specialChars: string[] Special characters in regular expressions. |
public |
V specialCharsRegExp: * A regular expression that matches all special characters in regular expressions. |
summary | ||
public |
An atscm project's configuration. |
summary | ||
public |
A stream that imports xml files in parallel. |
public |
A stream that transforms read ReadStream.ReadResults and stores the on the filesystem. |
public |
A stream that transforms read vinyl~Files and pushes them to atvise server. |
public |
A stream that writes Nodes to the file system. |
public |
C FileNode A node returned by the SourceStream. |
public |
Browses the local file system for nodes. |
public |
Creates a new WriteStream to write to path. |
public |
F isDefinitionFile(path: string): boolean Returns |
public |
Starts a new source browser at the given path. |
public |
Relative path to the rename file. |
summary | ||
public |
Picks some properties from an object and returns a new object containing these. |
public |
Switches keys and values in an object. |
public |
F delay(ms: *): * Returns a promise that resolves after the given duration. |
public |
F promisified(fn: *) Wraps a function with an async callback in a promise. |
public |
F async updateFile(path: string, update: UpdateFn, encoding: undefined): Promise |
public |
F async updateJson(path: string, update: UpdateFn): Promise |
public |
F reportProgress(task: Promise<any>, options: Object): * Prints the progress of a task. |
public |
F sortReferences(references: Object): * Sorts the given references before they are persisted to disk. |
public |
F finishTask(): Promise<void> Closes open sessions once a task is complete. |
public |
F handleTaskError(error: Error) Adds additional infomation to the error's message and rethows it. |
summary | ||
public |
An option the "atscm init" command handles. |
summary | ||
public |
C Node The main model class. |
public |
A node during a pull. |
public |
A node during a push. |
public |
V ReferenceTypeIds: {...OpcReferenceTypeIds: Object, "toParent": *} References type ids. |
public |
V ReferenceTypeNames: * Names for references. |
summary | ||
public |
C NodeId A wrapper around node-opcua~NodeId. |
public |
V ReverseReferenceTypeIds: Map<number, node-opcua~ReferenceTypeId Reverse map of node-opcua~ReferenceTypeIds. |
summary | ||
public |
A stream that adds non-standard references to nodes when pushed. |
public |
An extension to vinyl~File providing some additional, atvise-related properties. |
public |
A stream that creates OPC-UA nodes for the passed AtviseFiless. |
public |
A node discovered while browsing the server's database. |
public |
Browses the server database. |
public |
A stream of server nodes. |
public abstract |
A stream that process atvise server requests in parallel. |
public |
A wrapper around node-opcua~ClientSession used to connect to atvise server. |
public |
C Stream An object transform stream connected to atvise server. |
public |
An atvise-related resource type. |
public abstract |
A QueueStream that waits for a file's dependencies to be processed before the file is processed itself. |
public |
C Watcher Watches the given nodes for value changes. |
public |
A stream that writes all read AtviseFiles to their corresponding nodes on atvise server. |
public |
F waitForDependencies(Stream: QueueStream): Class<WaitingStream> A mixin that transforms a regular stream into a WaitingStream, which makes it wait for a node's dependencies to be transformed. |
public |
V DataTypeForExtension: * A map providing data types for shorter extensions (Reverse of DataTypeForExtension). |
public |
A map providing shorter extensions for data types |
public |
V AtviseTypes: AtviseType[] The atvise types to handle. |
public abstract |
T WWaiting#dependenciesFor(file: AtviseFile): NodeId[]: function(file: AtviseFile): NodeId[] Must be implemented by all subclasses: Returns the dependencies for a given file. |
summary | ||
public abstract |
A stream that calls an OPC-UA method for all input files. |
public abstract |
A stream that calls atvise server scripts for all passed nodes. |
public |
The node containing the currently installed server-scripts version. |
summary | ||
public |
public abstract |
A transformer that transforms only some of the files read. |
public |
A transformer that splits a node into multiple source nodes when pulling. |
public abstract |
The base transformer class. |
public |
A transformer used to transform XML documents. |
public |
V TransformDirection: {FromDB: string, FromFilesystem: string} The directions a transformer can be run in. |
summary | ||
public |
The task executed when running |
public |
F async importTask(): Promise<void> Imports all xml files needed for atscm usage. |
public |
F performPull(nodes: NodeId[], options: Object): * Pulls the given nodes from the server. |
public |
Pulls all nodes from atvise server. |
public |
F performPush(path: string, options: Object): * Pushes the given path to the server. |
public |
F async push(): * Pushes AtviseFiles to atvise server. |
public |
F async watch(options: Object): Promise<{serverwatcher: Watcher, fileWatcher: sane~Watcher}, Error>{serverwatcher:> The gulp task invoced when running |
summary | ||
public |
A transformer ensuring no invalid alarm condition filter nodes are pulled. |
public |
A Transformer that maps ReadStream.ReadResults to AtviseFiles. |
public |
A transformer that handles newline characters in files. |
summary | ||
public |
public |
summary | ||
public |
Must be one of: 'list', 'rawlist', 'expand', 'checkbox', 'confirm', 'input', 'password', 'editor'. |
public |
T inquirer~Validator: function(value: String): Boolean | String A function that, when called with a value, validates this value and either retunrs |
public |
E Inquirer |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |
E fs~Stats |
public |
public |
public |
public |
public |