Guide: gulp.js plugins

Please note: This guide assumes you have a basic knowledge on how gulp.js and custom atscm transformers work. You may go through gulp's getting started guide or the custom transformer tutorial first otherwise.

atscm heavily relies on the gulp.js build tool. Therefore it's pretty easy to integrate existing gulp plugins into atscm transformers.

Using Transformer class

Basically, the only Transformer method you have to override is Transformer#applyToStream. In there, you can pipe your gulp plugin just as you would do in a regular gulp project. The only difference is, that you have to handle the current transform direction as well:

A basic example:

import { Transformer, TransformDirection } from 'atscm';
import fromDBGulpPlugin from 'gulp-plugin-to-use-from-db';
import fromFSGulpPlugin from 'gulp-plugin-to-use-from-fs';

class MyTransformer extends Transformer {
  applyToStream(stream, direction) {
    if (direction === TransformDirection.FromDB) {
      return stream.pipe(fromDBGulpPlugin(/* plugin options */));

    return stream.pipe(fromFSGulpPlugin(/* plugin options */));

Using PartialTransformer class

In most cases you'll have to transform only parts of the piped files. This can be done by inheriting from PartialTransfomer class:

Transforming only JavaScript files:

import { PartialTransformer, TransformDirection } from 'atscm';
import fromDBGulpPlugin from 'gulp-plugin-to-use-from-db';
import fromFSGulpPlugin from 'gulp-plugin-to-use-from-fs';

class MyPartialTransformer extends PartialTransformer {
  shouldBeTransformed(file) {
    return file.extname === '.js';

  applyToFilteredStream(stream, direction) {
    if (direction === TransformDirection.FromDB) {
      return stream.pipe(fromDBGulpPlugin(/* plugin options */));

    return stream.pipe(fromFSGulpPlugin(/* plugin options */));


Using existing gulp plugins is probably the easiest way to use custom transformers inside an atscm project. As there are thousands of well-tested gulp-plugins out there, you won't have to implemtent any transform logic in most cases.

Give it a try!

Further reading