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/* Needed as long as https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-jsdoc/issues/56 is open */
/* eslint-disable jsdoc/check-param-names */

import Logger from 'gulplog';
import { StatusCodes } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/opcua_status_code';
import { NodeClass } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/nodeclass';
import WaitingStream from './WaitingStream';

// FIXME: Extend QueueStream directly

 * A stream that writes all read {@link AtviseFile}s to their corresponding nodes on atvise server.
 * The underlying {@link TreeStream} ensures the nodes are processed in an order that respects the
 * parent-child relations between nodes. Nodes are created (if needed) before their children are
 * processed.
export default class WriteStream extends WaitingStream {
   * Creates a new write stream with the given {@link CreateNodeStream} and
   * {@link AddReferencesStream}. Implementer have to ensure this create stream is actually piped.
   * @param {CreateNodeStream} createStream The stream that handles node creations.
   * @param {AddReferencesStream} addReferencesStream The stream that adds missing node references.
   * @param {Object} options The options passed to the underlying {@link TreeStream}.
  constructor(createStream, addReferencesStream, options) {

     * If a node has to be created first, it's callback is added to this map.
     * @type {Map<String, function(err: Error)}
    this._createCallbacks = {};

    createStream.on('processed-chunk', ({ nodeId }) => {
      const key = nodeId.toString();

      if (this._createCallbacks[key]) {

     * The stream responsible for adding additional references.
     * @type {AddReferencesStream}
    this._addReferencesStream = addReferencesStream;

   * The error message to use when writing a file fails.
   * @param {AtviseFile} file The file being processed.
   * @return {string} The error message to use.
  processErrorMessage(file) {
    return `Error writing ${file.nodeId}`;

   * Pushes a node to the piped create stream and waits for the node to be created.
   * @param {AtviseFile} file The file create the node for.
   * @param {function(err: Error, statusCode: node-opcua~StatusCodes, onSuccess: function)}
   * handleErrors The error handler to call. See {@link QueueStream#processChunk} for details.
  _createNode(file, handleErrors) {
    this._createCallbacks[file.nodeId.toString()] = (err) => {
      handleErrors(err, StatusCodes.Good, (done) => done());


   * Returns a files parent node and type definition.
   * @param {AtviseFile} file The file to check.
   * @return {NodeId[]} The files dependencies.
  dependenciesFor() {
    return [];

   * Writes an {@link AtviseFile} to it's corresponding node on atvise server.
   * @param {AtviseFile} file The file to write.
   * @param {function(err: Error, statusCode: node-opcua~StatusCodes, onSuccess: function)}
   * handleErrors The error handler to call. See {@link QueueStream#processChunk} for details.
  processChunk(file, handleErrors) {
    if (file.nodeClass.value !== NodeClass.Variable.value) {
      // Non-variable nodes are just pushed
      this._createNode(file, handleErrors);

    try {
        (err, statusCode) => {
          if (
            statusCode === StatusCodes.BadUserAccessDenied ||
            statusCode === StatusCodes.BadNotWritable
          ) {
            Logger.warn(`Error writing node ${file.nodeId}
  - Make sure it is not opened in atvise builder
  - Make sure the corresponding datasource is connected`);
            handleErrors(err, StatusCodes.Good, (done) => done());
          } else if (statusCode === StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown) {
            Logger.debug(`Node ${file.nodeId} does not exist: Attempting to create it...`);

            this._createNode(file, handleErrors);
          } else {
            handleErrors(err, statusCode, (done) => {
              // Push to add references stream

    } catch (e) {