Home Manual Reference Source Test


import { readFile } from 'fs';
import { dirname } from 'path';
import { NodeClass } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/nodeclass';
import { DataType, VariantArrayType, Variant } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/variant';
import { resolveNodeId } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/nodeid';
import { LocalizedText } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/localized_text';
import { StatusCodes } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/opcua_status_code';
import { QualifiedName } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/qualified_name';
import { DataValue } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/datavalue';
import { ReferenceTypeIds } from 'node-opcua/lib/opcua_node_ids';
import { ExpandedNodeId } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/expanded_nodeid';
import { DiagnosticInfo } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/diagnostic_info';
import File from 'vinyl';
import NodeId from '../model/opcua/NodeId';
import { reverse, pick } from '../helpers/Object';
import { sortReferences } from '../helpers/mapping';
import AtviseTypes, { AtviseResourceType } from './Types';

 * A map of AtviseTypes against their definition id's value.
 * @type {Map<String, AtivseType>}
const AtviseTypesByValue = AtviseTypes.reduce(
  (result, type) =>
    Object.assign(result, {
      [type.typeDefinition.value]: type,

 * A map of AtviseTypes against their identifiers.
 * @type {Map<String, AtivseType>}
const AtviseTypesByIdentifier = AtviseTypes.reduce(
  (result, type) =>
    Object.assign(result, {
      [type.identifier]: type,

 * A map providing shorter extensions for data types
 * @type {Map<node-opcua~DataType, String>}
export const ExtensionForDataType = {
  [DataType.Boolean]: 'bool',
  [DataType.XmlElement]: 'xml',

 * A map providing data types for shorter extensions (Reverse of {@link DataTypeForExtension}).
 * * @type {Map<String, node-opcua~DataType>}
export const DataTypeForExtension = reverse(ExtensionForDataType);

// Cache DataType
 * OPC-UA data type names.
 * @type {String[]}
const types = Object.keys(DataType);

 * OPC-UA data type extensions.
 * @type {String[]}
const typeExtensions = types.map((t) => t.toLowerCase());

// Cache TypeDefinitions
 * Variable data type definition node id.
 * @type {NodeId}
const VariableTypeDefinition = new NodeId(NodeId.NodeIdType.NUMERIC, 62, 0);
 * Property data type definition node id.
 * @type {NodeId}
const PropertyTypeDefinition = new NodeId(NodeId.NodeIdType.NUMERIC, 68, 0);

// Cache Regular expressions
 * A regular expression picking file extensions from file names.
 * @type {RegExp}
const ExtensionRegExp = /\.([^/\\]*)$/;

 * Function that returns the passed argument as is.
 * @param {*} b The input argument.
 * @return {*} The value passed.
const asIs = (b) => b;

 * Maps a single property of an object using the the mapper defined in *map* for the given
 * *dataType*.
 * @param {Map<node-opcua~DataType, function} map The mappings to use.
 * @param {Object} obj The object to process.
 * @param {string} key Name of the property to map.
 * @param {node-opcua~DataType} dataType The data type to map the property to.
const mapPropertyAs = (map, obj, key, dataType) => {
  if (obj[key]) {
    return Object.assign(obj, {
      [key]: map[dataType](obj[key]),

  return obj;

 * Mapping functions that return serializable values for a node of the given
 * {@link node-opcua~DataType}.
 * @type {Map<node-opcua~DataType, function>}
const toRawValue = {
  [DataType.Null]: () => null,
  [DataType.StatusCode]: ({ name }) => name,
  [DataType.QualifiedName]: ({ namespaceIndex, name }) => ({ namespaceIndex, name }),
  [DataType.LocalizedText]: ({ text, locale }) => ({ text, locale }),
  [DataType.DataValue]: (value) => {
    const options = pick(value, [

    mapPropertyAs(toRawValue, options, 'value', DataType.Variant);
    mapPropertyAs(toRawValue, options, 'statusCode', DataType.StatusCode);
    // NOTE: server- and sourceTimstamps get mapped as dates

    return options;
  [DataType.Variant]: ({ dataType, arrayType, value, dimensions }) => ({
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
    value: getRawValue(value, dataType, arrayType),
  [DataType.DiagnosticInfo]: (info) => {
    const options = pick(info, [

    mapPropertyAs(toRawValue, options, 'innerStatusCode', DataType.StatusCode);
    mapPropertyAs(toRawValue, options, 'innerDiagnosticInfo', DataType.DiagnosticInfo);

    return options;

 * Decodes a buffer to a string.
 * @param {Buffer} b The buffer to decode from.
 * @return {string} The buffer's string representation.
const decodeAsString = (b) => b.toString().trim();

 * Decodes a buffer to an integer value.
 * @param {Buffer} b The buffer to decode from.
 * @return {number} The decoded integer.
const decodeAsInt = (b) => parseInt(decodeAsString(b), 10);

 * Decodes a buffer to a float value.
 * @param {Buffer} b The buffer to decode from.
 * @return {number} The decoded float.
const decodeAsFloat = (b) => parseFloat(decodeAsString(b));

 * Decodes a buffer using JSON.
 * @param {Buffer} b The buffer to decode from.
 * @return {*} The decoded value, most likely an Object.
const decodeAsJson = (b) => JSON.parse(b.toString());

 * Mapping functions that return raw values for a stored value of the given type.
 * @type {Map<node-opcua~DataType, function>}
const decodeRawValue = {
  [DataType.Null]: () => null,
  [DataType.Boolean]: (b) => decodeAsString(b) === 'true',
  [DataType.SByte]: decodeAsInt,
  [DataType.Byte]: decodeAsInt,
  [DataType.Int16]: decodeAsInt,
  [DataType.UInt16]: decodeAsInt,
  [DataType.Int32]: decodeAsInt,
  [DataType.UInt32]: decodeAsInt,
  [DataType.Int64]: decodeAsJson,
  [DataType.UInt64]: decodeAsJson,
  [DataType.Float]: decodeAsFloat,
  [DataType.Double]: decodeAsFloat,
  [DataType.String]: decodeAsString,
  [DataType.DateTime]: decodeAsString,
  [DataType.Guid]: decodeAsString,
  // ByteString maps to Buffer
  [DataType.XmlElement]: decodeAsString,
  [DataType.NodeId]: decodeAsString,
  [DataType.ExpandedNodeId]: decodeAsString,
  [DataType.StatusCode]: decodeAsString,
  [DataType.QualifiedName]: decodeAsJson,
  [DataType.LocalizedText]: decodeAsJson,
  // FIXME: Add ExtensionObject
  [DataType.DataValue]: decodeAsJson,
  [DataType.Variant]: decodeAsJson,
  [DataType.DiagnosticInfo]: decodeAsJson,

 * Mapping functions that return OPC-UA node values for raw values.
 * @type {Map<node-opcua~DataType, function>}
const toNodeValue = {
  [DataType.DateTime]: (s) => new Date(s),
  [DataType.ByteString]: (b) => {
    if (b instanceof Buffer) {
      return b;

    return Buffer.from(b.data, 'binary');
  [DataType.NodeId]: (s) => resolveNodeId(s),

  // Jep, node-opcua does not provide a resolve function for expanded nodeids
  [DataType.ExpandedNodeId]: (s) => {
    const nodeId = resolveNodeId(s);
    const [value, ...defs] = nodeId.value.split(';');

    const { identifierType, namespace, namespaceUri, serverIndex } = defs.reduce((opts, def) => {
      const match = def.match(/^([^:]+):(.*)/);
      if (!match) {
        return opts;

      let [key, val] = match.slice(1); // eslint-disable-line prefer-const

      if (key === 'serverIndex') {
        val = parseInt(val, 10);

      return Object.assign(opts, { [key]: val });
    }, Object.assign({}, nodeId));

    return new ExpandedNodeId(identifierType, value, namespace, namespaceUri, serverIndex);

  [DataType.StatusCode]: (name) => StatusCodes[name],
  [DataType.QualifiedName]: (options) => new QualifiedName(options),
  [DataType.LocalizedText]: (options) => new LocalizedText(options),
  [DataType.DataValue]: (options) => {
    const opts = options;

    mapPropertyAs(toNodeValue, opts, 'value', DataType.Variant);
    mapPropertyAs(toNodeValue, opts, 'statusCode', DataType.StatusCode);
    mapPropertyAs(toNodeValue, opts, 'sourceTimestamp', DataType.DateTime);
    mapPropertyAs(toNodeValue, opts, 'serverTimestamp', DataType.DateTime);

    return new DataValue(opts);
  [DataType.Variant]: ({ dataType, arrayType, value, dimensions }) =>
    new Variant({
      arrayType: VariantArrayType[arrayType],
  [DataType.DiagnosticInfo]: (options) => {
    const opts = options;

    mapPropertyAs(toNodeValue, opts, 'innerStatusCode', DataType.StatusCode);
    mapPropertyAs(toNodeValue, opts, 'innerDiagnosticInfo', DataType.DiagnosticInfo);

    return new DiagnosticInfo(opts);

 * Returns a node's raw value based on it's OPC-UA value and type.
 * @param {*} value A node's OPC-UA value.
 * @param {node-opcua~DataType} dataType The node's data type.
 * @param {node-opcua~VariantArrayType} arrayType The node's array type.
 * @return {*} The raw value of the given node.
const getRawValue = (value, dataType, arrayType) => {
  if (arrayType.value !== VariantArrayType.Scalar.value) {
    const array = Array.isArray(value) ? value : Array.from(value);

    return array.map((val) => getRawValue(val, dataType, VariantArrayType[arrayType.value - 1]));

  return (toRawValue[dataType] || asIs)(value);

 * Returns a node's OPC-UA value based on it's raw value and type.
 * @param {*} rawValue A node's raw value.
 * @param {node-opcua~DataType} dataType A node's data type.
 * @param {node-opcua~VariantArrayType} arrayType A node's array type.
const getNodeValue = (rawValue, dataType, arrayType) => {
  if (arrayType.value !== VariantArrayType.Scalar.value) {
    if (!Array.isArray(rawValue)) {
      throw new Error('Value is not an array');

    return rawValue.map((raw) =>
      getNodeValue(raw, dataType, VariantArrayType[arrayType.value - 1])

  return (toNodeValue[dataType] || asIs)(rawValue);

 * Returns the extension for a specific {@link node-opcua~DataType}.
 * Algorithm:
 *   - if the type has a shortened extension defined in {@link ExtensionForDataType}, return it.
 *   - else return the DataType's name, in lowercase letters.
 * @param {node-opcua~DataType} dataType The datatype to get the extension for.
 * @return {string} The resulting extension.
function extensionForDataType(dataType) {
  return ExtensionForDataType[dataType] || dataType.toString().toLowerCase();

 * A regular expression that maches all reference definition files.
 * @type {RegExp}
const ConfigFileRegexp = /^\.((Object|Variable)(Type)?|Method|View|(Reference|Data)Type)\.json$/;

 * An extension to {@link vinyl~File} providing some additional, atvise-related properties.
 * @property {node-opcua~DataType} AtviseFile#dataType The {@link node-opcua~DataType} the node is
 * stored against on atvise server.
 * @property {NodeId} typeDefinition The file's type definition on atvise server.
 * FIXME: Additional properties not showing in API docs.
export default class AtviseFile extends File {
   * Returns a storage path for a {@link ReadStream.ReadResult}.
   * @param {ReadStream.ReadResult} readResult The read result to get a path for.
  static pathForReadResult(readResult) {
    let path = readResult.nodeId.filePath;

    if (readResult.nodeClass.value !== NodeClass.Variable.value) {
      return `${path}/.${readResult.nodeClass.key}.json`;

    const dataType = readResult.value.$dataType;
    const arrayType = readResult.value.$arrayType;
    const typeDefinition = readResult.references.HasTypeDefinition[0];

    if (typeDefinition.value === VariableTypeDefinition.value) {
      // Variable nodes are stored with their lowercase datatype as an extension
      path += `.${extensionForDataType(dataType)}`;
    } else if (typeDefinition.value === PropertyTypeDefinition.value) {
      // Property nodes are stored with ".prop" and their lowercase datatype as an extension
      path += `.prop.${extensionForDataType(dataType)}`;
    } else {
      // Handle custom types
      let identifier = 'var';
      let fileExtension = false;
      let keepExtension = false;

      const atType = AtviseTypesByValue[typeDefinition.value];
      if (atType) {
        identifier = atType.identifier;
        fileExtension = atType.fileExtension;
        keepExtension = atType.keepExtension;

      if (!keepExtension) {
        path += `.${identifier}.${fileExtension || extensionForDataType(dataType)}`;

    // Add "array" or "matrix" extensions for corresponding array types
    if (arrayType.value !== VariantArrayType.Scalar.value) {
      path += `.${arrayType === VariantArrayType.Array ? 'array' : 'matrix'}`;

    return path;

   * Encodes a node's value to file contents.
   * @param {*} value The value to encode.
   * @param {node-opcua~DataType} dataType The {@link node-opcua~DataType} to encode the value for.
   * @param {node-opcua~VariantArrayType} arrayType The files array type.
   * @return {?Buffer} The encoded file contents or null.
  static encodeValue(value, dataType, arrayType) {
    if (value.value === null) {
      return Buffer.from('');

    const rawValue = getRawValue(value.value, dataType, arrayType);

    if (rawValue instanceof Buffer) {
      return rawValue;

    const stringify = (a) => (a.toJSON ? a.toJSON() : JSON.stringify(a, null, '  '));
    const stringified =
      typeof rawValue === 'object' ? stringify(rawValue) : rawValue.toString().trim();

    return Buffer.from(stringified);

   * Decodes a file's contents to a node's value.
   * @param {Buffer} buffer The file contents to decode.
   * @param {node-opcua~DataType} dataType The {@link node-opcua~DataType} to decode the contents.
   * @param {node-opcua~VariantArrayType} arrayType The files array type.
   * @return {?*} The decoded node value or null.
  static decodeValue(buffer, dataType, arrayType) {
    if (buffer === null || buffer.length === 0) {
      return null;

    if (dataType === DataType.ByteString && arrayType === VariantArrayType.Scalar) {
      return buffer;

    const rawValue =
      arrayType === VariantArrayType.Scalar
        ? (decodeRawValue[dataType] || asIs)(buffer)
        : JSON.parse(buffer.toString());

    return getNodeValue(rawValue, dataType, arrayType);

   * As file mtimes do not support millisecond resolution these must be removed before storing
   * files.
   * @param {Date} date The original mtime.
   * @return {Date} The normalized mtime.
  static normalizeMtime(date) {

    return date;

   * Creates a new {@link AtviseFile} for the given {@link ReadStream.ReadResult}.
   * @param {ReadStream.ReadResult} readResult The read result to create the file for.
   * @return {AtviseFile} The resulting file.
  static fromReadResult(readResult) {
    const { nodeClass, references, value, mtime } = readResult;

    if (nodeClass.value === NodeClass.Variable.value && !value) {
      throw new Error('no value');

    return new AtviseFile({
      path: AtviseFile.pathForReadResult(readResult),
      contents: value
        ? AtviseFile.encodeValue(value, value.$dataType, value.$arrayType) // Variables
        : Buffer.from(
                references: sortReferences(references),
              '  '
          ), // Objects, types, ...
      _nodeClass: nodeClass,
      _dataType: value && value.$dataType,
      _arrayType: value && value.$arrayType,
      _references: references,
      stat: { mtime: mtime ? this.normalizeMtime(mtime) : undefined },

   * Recalculates {@link AtviseFile#dataType}, {@link AtviseFile#arrayType} and
   * {@link AtviseFile#typeDefinition}. **Never call this method directly.**.
  _getMetadata() {
    if (this.stem[0] === '.') {
      // Got non-variable node
       * The node's class.
       * @type {node-opcua~NodeClass}
      this._nodeClass = NodeClass[this.stem.split('.')[1]];

      const { references = {} } = JSON.parse(this.contents.toString());

       * References the node holds: In most cases this will be a single entry for
       * `'HasTypeDefinition'`.
       * @type {Map<String, NodeId[]>}
      this._references = Object.entries(references).reduce(
        (result, [type, refs]) =>
          Object.assign(result, {
            [type]: Array.isArray(refs) ? refs.map((v) => new NodeId(v)) : new NodeId(refs),


    this._nodeClass = NodeClass.Variable;

    // Set default metadata
     * The node's stored {@link node-opcua~VariantArrayType}.
     * @type {?node-opcua~VariantArrayType}
    this._arrayType = VariantArrayType.Scalar;

    this._references = {};

     * A node's browse- and display name.
     * @type {?string}
    this._name = this.stem.split('.')[0];

    let extensions = [];
    const m = this.relative.match(ExtensionRegExp);
    if (m) {
      extensions = m[1].split('.');

    // For split files, add the directory name extension
    const dirnameExts = this.dirname.split('.');
    if (dirnameExts.length > 1) {
      extensions.unshift(dirnameExts[dirnameExts.length - 1]);

    function ifLastExtensionMatches(matches, fn) {
      if (matches(extensions[extensions.length - 1])) {

    const complete = () =>
      this._dataType !== undefined && this._references.HasTypeDefinition !== undefined;

    // Handle array types
      (ext) => ext === 'array',
      () => {
        this._arrayType = VariantArrayType.Array;

      (ext) => ext === 'matrix',
      () => {
        this._arrayType = VariantArrayType.Matrix;

      (ext) => typeExtensions.includes(ext),
      (ext) => {
         * The node's stored {@link node-opcua~DataType}.
         * @type {?node-opcua~DataType}
        this._dataType = DataType[types[typeExtensions.indexOf(ext)]];

    // Handle wrapped data types (e.g. "bool" for DataType.Boolean)
      (ext) => DataTypeForExtension[ext],
      (ext) => {
        this._dataType = DataType[DataTypeForExtension[ext]];

    if (extensions.length === 0) {
      // Got variable
       * The node's stored type definition.
       * @type {?node-opcua~NodeId}
      this._references.HasTypeDefinition = [new NodeId(NodeId.NodeIdType.NUMERIC, 62, 0)];

      (ext) => ext === 'prop',
      () => {
        this._references.HasTypeDefinition = [new NodeId(NodeId.NodeIdType.NUMERIC, 68, 0)];
        this._references.toParent = ReferenceTypeIds.HasProperty;

      (ext) => ext === 'var',
      () => {
        this._references.HasTypeDefinition = [new NodeId('Custom.VarResourceType')];

    if (!complete()) {
      // Handle atvise types
      let foundAtType = false;

      Object.entries(AtviseTypesByIdentifier).forEach(([identifier, type]) => {
        if (!foundAtType && extensions.includes(identifier)) {
          foundAtType = true;

          if (!(type instanceof AtviseResourceType)) {
            extensions = extensions.filter((e) => e !== identifier);

          this._references.HasTypeDefinition = [type.typeDefinition];
          this._dataType = type.dataType;

    if (!complete()) {
      this._references.HasTypeDefinition = [
        new NodeId('VariableTypes.ATVISE.Resource.OctetStream'),
      this._dataType = DataType.ByteString;

    this._name = [this._name, ...extensions.filter((e) => !dirnameExts.includes(e))].join('.');

   * Computes a file's metadata if needed.
   * @return {AtviseFile} The file.
  getMetadata() {
    if (!this._nodeClass) {

    return this;

   * The node's class.
   * @type {node-opcua~NodeClass}
  get nodeClass() {
    if (!this._nodeClass) {

    return this._nodeClass;

   * The file's {@link node-opcua~DataType}.
   * @type {node-opcua~DataType}
  get dataType() {
    if (!this._dataType) {

    return this._dataType;

   * The file's {@link node-opcua~VariantArrayType}.
   * @type {node-opcua~VariantArrayType}
  get arrayType() {
    if (!this._arrayType) {

    return this._arrayType;

   * The files's references.
   * @type {Map<string, NodeId|NodeId[]>}
  get references() {
    if (!this._references) {

    return this._references;

   * The file's type definition.
   * @type {node-opcua~NodeId}
  get typeDefinition() {
    const refs = this.references;

    if (refs && refs.HasTypeDefinition) {
      return refs.HasTypeDefinition[0];

    return new NodeId(NodeId.NodeIdType.NUMERIC, 0, 0);

  // eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence
   * `true` for reference config files (for example `.index.htm.json`).
   * @type {boolean}
  get isReferenceConfig() {
    return this.stem[0] === '.' && !this.stem.match(ConfigFileRegexp);

   * `true` for files containing atvise displays.
   * @type {boolean}
  get isDisplay() {
    return this.typeDefinition.value === 'VariableTypes.ATVISE.Display';

   * `true` for files containing atvise scripts.
   * @type {boolean}
  get isScript() {
    return this.typeDefinition.value === 'VariableTypes.ATVISE.ScriptCode';

   * `true` for files containing atvise quick dynamics.
   * @type {boolean}
  get isQuickDynamic() {
    return this.typeDefinition.value === 'VariableTypes.ATVISE.QuickDynamic';

   * Sets the node value for the file.
   * @param {?*} newValue The value to set.
  set value(newValue) {
     * The file's contents.
     * @type {?Buffer}
    this.contents = AtviseFile.encodeValue(newValue, this.dataType, this.arrayType);

   * Returns the decoded node value for the file.
   * @type {?*} The file's decoded value.
  get value() {
    return AtviseFile.decodeValue(this.contents, this.dataType, this.arrayType);

   * Returns the decoded node value for create node serverscript.
   * @type {?*} The file's decoded value.
  get createNodeValue() {
    const value = this.value;

    if (this.dataType === DataType.DateTime) {
      return value.valueOf();

    if (value instanceof Buffer) {
      return value.toString();

    return value;

   * Returns the node id associated with the file.
   * @type {NodeId} The file's node id.
  get nodeId() {
    if (this.nodeClass.value !== NodeClass.Variable.value) {
      return NodeId.fromFilePath(dirname(this.relative));
    const atType = AtviseTypesByValue[this.typeDefinition.value];
    let idPath = this.relative;

    if (!atType || !atType.keepExtension) {
      const exts = idPath.match(ExtensionRegExp)[1];
      idPath = idPath.split(`.${exts}`)[0];

    return NodeId.fromFilePath(idPath);

   * A file's browse and display name.
   * @type {string}
  get name() {
    if (!this._name) {

    return this._name;

   * A file's parent's node id.
   * @type {NodeId}
  get parentNodeId() {
    const name = this.name;
    const id = this.nodeId;

    if (name) {
      const parts = this.nodeId.value.split(name);

      if (parts.length > 1) {
        return new NodeId(id.identifierType, parts[0].slice(0, -1), id.namespaceIndex);

    return this.nodeId.parent;

   * Returns a new file with all attributes of the current file.
   * @param {Object} options See the {@link vinyl~File} docs for all options available.
   * @return {AtviseFile} The cloned file.
   * @see https://github.com/gulpjs/vinyl#filecloneoptions
  clone(options) {
    const clonedFile = super.clone(options);

    clonedFile._nodeClass = this._nodeClass;
    clonedFile._dataType = this._dataType;
    clonedFile._arrayType = this._arrayType;
    clonedFile._references = this._references;

    return clonedFile;

   * Creates a new AtviseFile and reads it's contents.
   * @param {Object} options See {@link vinyl~File} for available options.
   * @return {Promise} Resolved with the new file of rejected with the error that occured while
   * trying to read it's path.
  static read(options = {}) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      if (!options.path) {
        reject(new Error('options.path is required'));
      } else {
        readFile(options.path, (err, contents) => {
          if (err) {
          } else {
            resolve(new AtviseFile(Object.assign(options, { contents })));