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import { DataType, VariantArrayType, Variant } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/variant';
import { resolveNodeId } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/nodeid';
import { LocalizedText } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/localized_text';
import { StatusCodes } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/opcua_status_code';
import { QualifiedName } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/qualified_name';
import { DataValue } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/datavalue';
import { ExpandedNodeId } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/expanded_nodeid';
import { DiagnosticInfo } from 'node-opcua/lib/datamodel/diagnostic_info';
import { pick } from './helpers/Object';

 * Function that returns the passed argument as is.
 * @param {*} b The input argument.
 * @return {*} The value passed.
const asIs = (b) => b;

 * Maps a single property of an object using the the mapper defined in *map* for the given
 * *dataType*.
 * @param {Map<node-opcua~DataType, function} map The mappings to use.
 * @param {Object} obj The object to process.
 * @param {string} key Name of the property to map.
 * @param {node-opcua~DataType} dataType The data type to map the property to.
const mapPropertyAs = (map, obj, key, dataType) => {
  if (obj[key]) {
    return Object.assign(obj, {
      [key]: map[dataType](obj[key]),

  return obj;

 * A set of functions that return raw values from {@link node-opcua~Variant} for specific
 * {@link node-opcua~DataType}s.
 * @type {Map<node-opcua~DataType, function(value: any): any>}
const toRawValue = {
  [DataType.Null]: () => null,
  [DataType.StatusCode]: ({ name }) => name,
  [DataType.QualifiedName]: ({ namespaceIndex, name }) => ({ namespaceIndex, name }),
  [DataType.LocalizedText]: ({ text, locale }) => ({ text: text || null, locale }),
  [DataType.DataValue]: (value) => {
    const options = pick(value, [

    mapPropertyAs(toRawValue, options, 'value', DataType.Variant);
    mapPropertyAs(toRawValue, options, 'statusCode', DataType.StatusCode);
    // NOTE: server- and sourceTimstamps get mapped as dates

    return options;
  [DataType.Variant]: ({ dataType, arrayType, value, dimensions }) => ({
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define
    value: getRawValue({ value, dataType, arrayType }),
  [DataType.DiagnosticInfo]: (info) => {
    const options = pick(info, [

    mapPropertyAs(toRawValue, options, 'innerStatusCode', DataType.StatusCode);
    mapPropertyAs(toRawValue, options, 'innerDiagnosticInfo', DataType.DiagnosticInfo);

    return options;

 * Returns the raw value for a {@link node-opcua~Variant}.
 * @param {node-opcua~Variant} variant The variant to convert.
function getRawValue({ value, dataType, arrayType }) {
  if (arrayType !== VariantArrayType.Scalar) {
    return (Array.isArray(value) ? value : Array.from(value)).map((val) =>
        value: val,
        arrayType: VariantArrayType[arrayType.value - 1],

  return (toRawValue[dataType] || asIs)(value);

 * Returns a buffer containing a {@link node-opcua~Variant}s encoded value.
 * @param {node-opcua~Variant} variant The variant to encode.
 * @return {Buffer} A buffer containing the encoded value.
export function encodeVariant({ value, dataType, arrayType }) {
  if (value === null) {
    return Buffer.from([]);

  const rawValue = getRawValue({ value, dataType, arrayType });

  if (rawValue instanceof Buffer) {
    return rawValue;

  const stringify = (a) => (a.toJSON ? a.toJSON() : JSON.stringify(a, null, '  '));

  const stringified =
    typeof rawValue === 'object' ? stringify(rawValue) : rawValue.toString().trim();

  return Buffer.from(stringified);

 * Decodes a buffer to a string.
 * @param {Buffer} b The buffer to decode from.
 * @return {string} The buffer's string representation.
const decodeAsString = (b) => b.toString().trim();

 * Decodes a buffer to an integer value.
 * @param {Buffer} b The buffer to decode from.
 * @return {number} The decoded integer.
const decodeAsInt = (b) => parseInt(decodeAsString(b), 10);

 * Decodes a buffer to a float value.
 * @param {Buffer} b The buffer to decode from.
 * @return {number} The decoded float.
const decodeAsFloat = (b) => parseFloat(decodeAsString(b));

 * Decodes a buffer using JSON.
 * @param {Buffer} b The buffer to decode from.
 * @return {*} The decoded value, most likely an Object.
const decodeAsJson = (b) => JSON.parse(b.toString());

 * Mapping functions that return raw values for a stored value of the given type.
 * @type {Map<node-opcua~DataType, function>}
const decodeRawValue = {
  [DataType.Null]: () => null,
  [DataType.Boolean]: (b) => decodeAsString(b) === 'true',
  [DataType.SByte]: decodeAsInt,
  [DataType.Byte]: decodeAsInt,
  [DataType.Int16]: decodeAsInt,
  [DataType.UInt16]: decodeAsInt,
  [DataType.Int32]: decodeAsInt,
  [DataType.UInt32]: decodeAsInt,
  [DataType.Int64]: decodeAsJson,
  [DataType.UInt64]: decodeAsJson,
  [DataType.Float]: decodeAsFloat,
  [DataType.Double]: decodeAsFloat,
  [DataType.String]: decodeAsString,
  [DataType.DateTime]: decodeAsString,
  [DataType.Guid]: decodeAsString,
  // ByteString maps to Buffer
  [DataType.XmlElement]: decodeAsString,
  [DataType.NodeId]: decodeAsString,
  [DataType.ExpandedNodeId]: decodeAsString,
  [DataType.StatusCode]: decodeAsString,
  [DataType.QualifiedName]: decodeAsJson,
  [DataType.LocalizedText]: decodeAsJson,
  // FIXME: Add ExtensionObject
  [DataType.DataValue]: decodeAsJson,
  [DataType.Variant]: decodeAsJson,
  [DataType.DiagnosticInfo]: decodeAsJson,

 * Mapping functions that return OPC-UA node values for raw values.
 * @type {Map<node-opcua~DataType, function>}
const toNodeValue = {
  [DataType.DateTime]: (s) => new Date(s),
  [DataType.ByteString]: (b) => {
    if (b instanceof Buffer) {
      return b;

    return Buffer.from(b.data, 'binary');
  [DataType.NodeId]: (s) => resolveNodeId(s),

  // Jep, node-opcua does not provide a resolve function for expanded nodeids
  [DataType.ExpandedNodeId]: (s) => {
    const nodeId = resolveNodeId(s);
    const [value, ...defs] = nodeId.value.split(';');

    const { identifierType, namespace, namespaceUri, serverIndex } = defs.reduce((opts, def) => {
      const match = def.match(/^([^:]+):(.*)/);
      if (!match) {
        return opts;

      let [key, val] = match.slice(1); // eslint-disable-line prefer-const

      if (key === 'serverIndex') {
        val = parseInt(val, 10);

      return Object.assign(opts, { [key]: val });
    }, Object.assign({}, nodeId));

    return new ExpandedNodeId(identifierType, value, namespace, namespaceUri, serverIndex);

  [DataType.StatusCode]: (name) => StatusCodes[name],
  [DataType.QualifiedName]: (options) => new QualifiedName(options),
  [DataType.LocalizedText]: (options) => new LocalizedText(options),
  [DataType.DataValue]: (options) => {
    const opts = options;

    mapPropertyAs(toNodeValue, opts, 'value', DataType.Variant);
    mapPropertyAs(toNodeValue, opts, 'statusCode', DataType.StatusCode);
    mapPropertyAs(toNodeValue, opts, 'sourceTimestamp', DataType.DateTime);
    mapPropertyAs(toNodeValue, opts, 'serverTimestamp', DataType.DateTime);

    return new DataValue(opts);
  [DataType.Variant]: ({ dataType, arrayType, value, dimensions }) =>
    new Variant({
      arrayType: VariantArrayType[arrayType],
  [DataType.DiagnosticInfo]: (options) => {
    const opts = options;

    mapPropertyAs(toNodeValue, opts, 'innerStatusCode', DataType.StatusCode);
    mapPropertyAs(toNodeValue, opts, 'innerDiagnosticInfo', DataType.DiagnosticInfo);

    return new DiagnosticInfo(opts);

 * Returns a node's OPC-UA value based on it's raw value and type.
 * @param {*} rawValue A node's raw value.
 * @param {node-opcua~DataType} dataType A node's data type.
 * @param {node-opcua~VariantArrayType} arrayType A node's array type.
const getNodeValue = (rawValue, dataType, arrayType) => {
  if (arrayType.value !== VariantArrayType.Scalar.value) {
    if (!Array.isArray(rawValue)) {
      throw new Error('Value is not an array');

    return rawValue.map((raw) =>
      getNodeValue(raw, dataType, VariantArrayType[arrayType.value - 1])

  return (toNodeValue[dataType] || asIs)(rawValue);

 * Returns a {@link node-opcua~Variant} from a Buffer with the given *dataType* and *arrayType*.
 * @param {Buffer} buffer The buffer to decode from.
 * @param {Object} options The options to use.
 * @param {node-opcua~DataType} options.dataType The data type to decode to.
 * @param {node-opcua~VariantArrayType} options.arrayType The array type to decode to.
export function decodeVariant(buffer, { dataType, arrayType }) {
  if (buffer === null || buffer.length === 0) {
    return null;

  if (dataType === DataType.ByteString && arrayType === VariantArrayType.Scalar) {
    return buffer;

  const rawValue =
    arrayType === VariantArrayType.Scalar
      ? (decodeRawValue[dataType] || asIs)(buffer)
      : JSON.parse(buffer.toString());

  return getNodeValue(rawValue, dataType, arrayType);