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Command line interface

Please not that this module is under heavy development. Anything described in here may change in future versions. For an up-to-date list of commands and options run atscm --help.


Options (incomplete)

Options available vary on the command used. Run atscm {command} --help for a complete list of options.

How to pass options

Options can be passed as regular command line options, e.g. atscm push --cwd ~/Docs or atscm push --cwd=~/Docs, but they can also be passed as environment variables. To do so set environment variables with the uppercase name of the option, prefixed with ATSCM_, e.g. ATSCM_CWD=~/Docs atscm push on a Unix-based machine or by running setx ATSCM_CWD "%USERPROFILE%\Test" under Windows.

Note: Using environment variables to set options requires atscm-cli version >= 0.3.

Overriding project configuration

The project configuration (the Atviseproject module of your project) can also be overridden at runtime.

Passing overrides by using the --project option:

You can pass overrides directly by setting the --project option, where the path to the value to override is delimited with dots (.). E.g. if you want to set the project's opc port to 1234, pass --project.port.opc 1234.

Passing overrides by setting ATSCM_PROJECT environment variables:

Overrides can also be passed as environment variables, prefixed with ATSCM_PROJECT__, where key paths are delimited with a double underscore (__). To set the project's opc port as an example, set the environment variable ATSCM_PROJECT__PORT__OPC to 1234.

Note: Project configuration overrides require atscm-cli version >= 0.3 and atscm version >= 0.4.